Chapter Flag Committee Information
The Chapter Flag Committee is to assist, encourage, motivate, and organize, the chapter members to become involved in the following activities:
Admiral William R. Furlong Award Requirements:
Please complete the nomination form to nominate an individual or organization for a flag certificate.
- The chapter flag committees and chapter members can present flag certificates to individuals, corporations, businesses, fire departments, police departments, schools, libraries, etc. that properly display the American Flag.
- A chapter may present as many certificates as they would like.
- A SAR pamphlet on proper displaying the flag is available, if the Flag Committee or chapter does not have one.
- Flag certificates are available from NSSAR merchandising. The cost is about $4 each.
- Also, chapter flag committee and chapter members may collect and destroy worn or soiled flags. A flag retirement ceremony, with news media present, would be an excellent means to gain publicity for the chapter and the NSSAR. Color guard and scouts will enhance the ceremony.
- And, committee and chapter members can go to youth organizations, suchmelementary schools, church groups, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Boys and Girls Clubs, etc. and educate the youth about proper respect for the flag and its history. There are power point presentations available for these activities if the chapter would like to have them.
- A chapter can organize a special recognition event for Flag Day. It can be something within your chapter, or assist the city officials in having a Flag Day event for the city.
- Encourage all chapter members to show their patriotism by flying an American Flag outside their home. The following is recommended when presenting a flag certificate to make it a more memorable event:
- The certificate should be presented in person by members of the chapter and photos taken during the presentation.
- It adds to the event if Chapter members in uniform, if available, are present.
- Write an article about the event and forward it, along with the photos, to the local newspaper. This is good publicity for our organization.
- Flag Certificates should be presented in a frame rather than a blue NSSAR folder. Frames can be purchased from discount stores forabout $1 and the certificate is more likely to be displayed when frames.
- If the chapter decides to present the certificate in a frame to an organization, a chapter member may want to visit the organization and observe their other displays. If there are other displays it would be good if the chapter’s frame is similar to the other frames.
Admiral William R. Furlong Award Requirements:
- If over 1/2 of the chapters in your state, as well as the state society, present at least one flag certificate each, the state will receive the Admiral William R. Furlong Award.
- The first time a state society receives the Furlong Award, it will be presented a streamer.
- Each additional time a state society receives the Furlong Award, it will receive a white star to attach to the streamer.
- If 100% of the chapters in your state, as well as the state society, present at least one flag certificate each, then the state society will receive the Furlong Award and a Certificate of Excellence.
- These awards are presented at the NSSAR Congress each year.
Please complete the nomination form to nominate an individual or organization for a flag certificate.